About Us

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Our Vision

Inspiring people to feel fulfilled by undertaking work that fits their own skills, personality and dreams.

Our Method

Free Global Career Advice provides inspiration on all areas of work undertaken globally covering four categories of hobbies, lifestyle choices, voluntary & paid work. Our Knowledge Base provides insights into work based on the same set of questions.

Discover Work You Love

The Team*

This project’s success is based on each and every contribution into our Knowledge Base and the growth of our community.  We therefore welcome any ideas for collaboration, contribution ideas, offers of support (to help our project grow).

* Team… I am a mum on a mission to change the world through words.  Sharing experiences to help inform and inspire others.  It only feels right to refer to “team”, “us”, “our” because we are only as good as the people who contribute to the Knowledge Base and who help spread the word of our existence. Free Global Career Advice aims to be a truly global & all inclusive community.

This Is Me!

Our Passion

“To live a life of contentment and value in one’s own work has the potential to radiate out to all around us. Creating happiness not just for ourselves but providing a communal view in helping others which can really change lives throughout generations.  So many possibilities but only one life, make yours a choice to enjoy – discover Our World Of Work” – June founder of Free Global Career Advice (formally Our World Of Work)

Me & my daughterMy daughter and I making wishes.

Knowledge Base

Personal Experience

Back in 2011 I did something not many people get the privilege to do.  I left behind a good job as an event coordinator and decided to switch career to become a java programmer.

It paid off! I am able to say I found a career that challenges me, meets more of my work goals (from the need to work excluding money) along with personal goals.  This is a job/ sector that I feel absolutely passionately about.


Our Choice

Deciding what job to do is one of the most important choices we will make in our life.  Not everyone however gets access to a lot of information when making this decision.

The way in which we select a job can in some cases not involve much research or thought at all.  Some people take work that comes their way.  Others may be content pursuing work in an area that is known to them in general without considering in detail what roles exist within this sector.

An example of this would be working in finance, retail, art, etc without really knowing what jobs are available in that sector.  Only applying for work that came up, maybe not having a specific career or carer progression in mind.

Some people take up jobs other people around them do without really making a choice rather being “guided” towards it.  The latter being a choice only as diverse to choose from as the range of people you know.

Exposure as to what jobs exist comes from schools, people we know, jobs we see in daily life. But what about the jobs that are surfacing now, that are specialised, jobs that may be high in demand but we are just not exposed to?

What about those responsible to provide career advice information who try to do their best with the information they have?  My view is it’s impossible for one person to keep up to date with this information, even for the most dedicated of career advisers.

I want people to get the most out of life, their skills, their potential.  This is my motivation behind the project.

I know life does not bless all people on this earth equally, therefore what work someone chooses is not always a choice but I hope that in my small way, I can help inspire those who can make a choice.


Situation Today

There have been many studies/ surveys into how many people are dissatisfied with their work.  Forbes reported that 52.3% of Americans are unhappy at work and the London School of Business & Finance reported that 47% of the UK workforce would like to make a career change.

I wondered how many hours people spent at work, so I calculated that the average person spends 85,540 hours at work in their lifetime.  Wouldn’t it be fantastic to see more people enjoy these 85,540 hours!

I wonder how many people just don’t know there is a different job that exists which could benefit them more.  Yes it takes a lot of hard work, dedication, resources and some luck.  But knowledge of what is possible is the first step.

Your Experience Is Ksy

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You Can Make A Difference

We aim to make more peoples career and other work as rewarding and fitting to them as possible.  This project’s success is based on each and every contribution into our Knowledge Base.

I challenge everyone reading this to think of a time you have felt that happy feeling, a inner glow/ buzz from completing work.  We hope to enrich as many lives as possible with this feeling!

It’s a simple concept, to other deciding factors aside and instead put the work itself in the foreground.  To highlight what work is available, enabling this information to reach people of all ages and to people who otherwise would never know this work even existed.

We understand the opportunities “at everyone’s feet” are different due to social, economic and health factors, not everyone can choose to pursue a given career path. But for those who can choose we are here to help!

More than career advice!

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Come With Us!

We welcome everyone to join our community.  We will keep you updated with exciting news & inspirational articles.

We welcome any ideas for collaboration that fits in with our mission or that helps us to reach even more people to share our Knowledge Base with.

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Our 1st year + Beyond

Check out our 1st year here!

We look forward to making this project grow and meeting lots of people along the way as we work toward uncovering all the work that exist in the world today; hoping to inspire anyone on the hunt for that special fulfilling thing they can do with their life.