Privacy Policy

Privacy Of Content Given

Personal details such as your name, email address, year you held the position and other details given within the About You and Verification section will be kept private.

All of the other sections Basic Work Details, Entry & Progression, Advice & Thoughts, Day To Day, Good Bad & Unknown, Extra Bits, Insight & Featured Image will form the content of your entry into our Knowledge Base and as such will be public and displayed on our blog section.

You have the opportunity in the Insight section to provide any additional details you wish to share.  The choice is yours whether to inform readers who you are what you do, even where you work.

You can make your entry more awesome/ styled by including up to 3 images.  These images are included as public content within your entry.

You can decide whether to include a URL link, pointing readers in the direction of further details. This could be about the work you do i.e. a personal demo site, your employers website, social media site for yourself, etc.

Finally, the choice if yours whether your entry has a featured image!  The Featured Image (also known as post thumbnail) uses a representative image for your entry (“post”) into the Knowledge Base blog section.


Image Rights/ Permission To Use

We ask that information provided is yours to share (you have permission form any person or entity that owns copyright).  You must provide a true representation of the work you undertake.  Entries may be used by the our team within without needing to seek additional authorisation.