Dog Owner

Basic InfoJob Title:

Dog Owner

Number Of Years Dedicated To This Field Of Work 

> 1 year

Category Of Work:

Lifestyle – Other

Country / Area of Work:



Not Applicable


Lifestyle Choice

Entry & Progression

Key Skills For The Work:

– Patience: For training, discipline, time in caring for your dog
– Organisation skills: manage routine, vaccination and tablet schedule, kennels for times you are away and cannot have your dog with you, etc
– Managing self abilities: You need to be able to have full control over your dog. Not just for discipline reasons but safety too. You much handle your dog confidently/ assertively

Vital Key Skill:

Time management.

You need to be able to give the dog a schedule he/she needs every day. Even when you are sick or busy. You dog needs walks, companionship, food/ water and to be adequately supervised, trained, disciplined. Depending on the age of the dog this can take up lots of time or lesser if the dog is trained and older.

sit dog

Your Personal Experience Of Entering This Role:

Owned pets before but not a dog.

Tips For Undertaking This Work:

You need to weigh up the factors both pros and cons in advance. Emotion can easily come into play when you see a cute or in need animal needing a good home. But there are many factors to consider and not considering them could result in you needed to re-home you family pet after a few months. Some factors I would consider:

> Costs – daily food (treats, stable diet), vet bills (annual injections, spaying or neutering, unplanned illness or injury), kennel costs (inc travel costs), supplies such as bed, leash, food bowl, collar, name tag, microchip, toys, flea/ tick sprays for your home
> Breed of animal – Do you need a breed that is good with kids, what dogs are banned from owning where you live, what health concerns are typical in the breed you are considering, how big will this breed grow size & weight, general temperament ascribed to this breed
> Time and effort you need to give – daily walks, training (inc. obedience and tricks)
> Future – You may feel its an ideal time to own a dog but you need to consider where will you be in the near and long future. Consider whether you be able to give the dog all the things it needs despite any changes in circumstances, income, studying hours, working hours, place of residence (location and size of accommodation).

This list is by no means definitive. There are lots of people you can speak to to get more advice/insight, local vet, animal shelter, other pet owners you know, specialist pet shop staff.

Future Progression Or Developments:

My family’s dog is a mixed breed, half Siberian Husky half white Swiss Shepherd. He will grow quite big and will need lots of walks and play time to help burn off his energy, daily. He is also a clever dog, so needs stimulation through play.
Advice and Thoughts

Pack away things better!

Dogs will try and eat anything…….yes anything!. I didn’t realise how much dogs love anything plastic. Bottles, kids bucket and spades, rubber footballs, dust pan and brushes, etc leave any of this in my dogs reach when you are not around and he will destroy it. Not good for the item itself but more so not good for my dogs tummy.

Dog Space
Day 2 Day

What Are The ‘tools of the trade’ Used Daily:

Lead, collar, food, water, treats, area for walks, play toys to help burn off energy and for building up bonds.

A Typical Day’s Duties:

In the morning take the dog on a 20-30 minute walk. Then feed the dog. My dog enjoys sitting with me while I work (as opposed to being left in a secure garden). I need to let him outside every now and then when he needs the toilet (he will let me know by going to the back door). Another walk after dinner, then I give him his dinner.

Some playtime during the day also at different times of the day depending on my own schedule. For bed time, he has a very large cage which now that he is older and trained we leave his door open.

Is Travelling A Regularly Part Of This Work:

No – Only in terms of needing to take him on daily walks!

Weekly Working Hours:

Way Of Life – Hours 24/7

Type Of Hours Arrangement:

Not Applicable. Set a routine that works for you and your dog. This will need to change as the dog grows and is more trained.
Good Bad Unknown

The Best Thing About The Work You Do:

Having such an awesome dog be a part of our family.

Your Least Favorite Thing About The Work You Do:

Walks in the height of summer when the temperature is in the high 30’s (degrees C).

Any Duties You Hadn’t Anticipated Prior To Undertaking The Work:

I had owned a cat prior. Was it author Mary Bly that said “dogs come when they are called cats take a message and get back to you”?. This I have found so true but in much more ways in terms of the level of “need” a dog has compared to cats.

Just my own experience, the level of care, consideration, emotional energy on a daily basis I found I needed to give was much greater in caring for a dog than a cat.

So I would say this level of need I had not fully anticipated. Its not a bad thing. I was prepared to give lots of time, patience, energy, etc  In some ways you get more (again only comparing to my experience in owning a cat) greater bond, more 2 way communication …not verbally of course but in actions, dogs manner towards you.walk dog


The Top Perks Of The Work:

Enjoying the added fun a dog brings when exploring new places. Interaction from people when you are out with your dog, people asking to pat the dog or ask you questions about him. People who otherwise you wouldn’t have met.

Other Work In The Same Sector: 

Owning a different animal. Being a dog walker. Pet-sitting for people who have pets needing a pet-sitter for vacation time. Volunteering in an animal shelter.

What Professional Organisations Are Associated With Your Work:

Different animals have different organisations associated with them also different breeds of some animals also have other entities associated with them.

For dogs in general, an example (by no means definitive) based on the UK would be:

– British Institute of Professional Dog Trainers
– British Veterinary Association
– The Kennel Club

Additional Info You Wish To Share:

I have never owned a dog before. Jumping right in to own a dog that will be as big as my dog called “Panda” will grow, was only done as I have the support of my husband who is an experienced dog owner. We have a child so for us the ascribed temperament of the breed was very important to us.

Why “Panda”…. we asked our 2 year old daughter if she would like to give him a name – she picked Panda. I can see why 🙂

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